The International Geodiversity Day (October 6) proclaimed by UNESCO at the 41st General Conference in 2021 is a worldwide celebration to recognise the many aspects of the geoheritage of our Globe. This special day is promoted by the Hungarian Geoparks as well.
The series of events as in the last year, was opened by a scientific conference jointly organized by the Geological Scientific Committee of the Earth Sciences Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the ProGEO Earth Science Nature Conservation Department of the Hungarian Geological Society and the Hungarian National Committee of UNESCO, at which Sándor Holló presented the geological diversity of the Bükk Region Geopark.
One day later, on October 7, on the traditional geotop day, an insight into the exciting world of earth history was given at the Ipolytarnóc Fossils, in the Miocene Park of the Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark.
In commemoration of the patron saint of nature conservation, the event was also linked to World Animal Day,with special programs inviting visitors to the geosite. The program is part of the activities of the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) promoting geodiversity.Its present, Hungarian subtitled video is here, the last year's, promotional video can be reached here.
The Bükk National Park Directorate is a stakeholder in 2 Geoparks, it celebrated the International Geodiversity Day in last year as well.
The Bakony-Balaton Geopark's facebook also promotes this Day. UNESCO also celebrates the richness of our planet's geological heritage. Let us be worthy participants, part of the contemporary events of earth's history, it is also up to us what we leave behind for posterity for the next generations.